1 to 7 total Tardies in any/all classes: Each Tardy will be marked in AERIES computer program. Teacher will inform the student that he/she has been marked Tardy.
8 Total Tardies in any/all classes:
Lunch detention will be assigned.
9 Total Tardies in any/all classes:
Lunch detention will be assigned.
10 Total Tardies in any/all classes:
Lunch detention will be assigned.
11 Total Tardies in any/all classes:
After school detention will be assigned.
12 or more Tardies in any/all classes:
In House Suspension. *
NOTE: Students who are habitually Tardy may be declared INELIGIBLE for athletics, extracurricular activities, social activities, and Senior activities including the Senior Trip, the Prom, and participation in the Graduation Ceremony.