Breakfast is served here!

Rise and Shine and get ready to dine....with us! Did you know that we serve breakfast daily at all of our schools?

Fun Fact!

Students who eat breakfast closer to class and test-taking perform better on standardized tests.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider


a summer meal program pic.png

Smart Snacks In School
USDA Dietary Guidelines
Web Menus Mobile App

Welcome to Nutrition Services!


Meals for All

The Federal and State government has extended free breakfast and lunch

meals to ALL students, during the 2024-25 school year, through the CEP, Community Eligibility Program.

 "All Students Eat Free Regardless of Income"


LCFF District Funding

Parents are required to submit an Alternate Income Form.

  • It is required that all families completed an Alternate Income Form. The Alternate Income Form ensures the Riverbank Unified School District receives the most funds from the Local Control Funding Formula to provide instructional materials and new programs for our students.  To complete the Alternate Income Form, please go online at

 QR Code.PNG

  This form is also located in the parent portal of Aeries

Cash Directives

Students/Parents should continue to pay for past meals. 

We will accept cash or click the Pre Payment Options tab,

on this page. 



Riverbank Unified School District’s Nutrition Services Department provide students with nutritious meals.  The district participates in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast program providing meals that meet State and Federal regulations that are in line with the Dietary Guidelines for Healthy Americans. 

We serve a variety of entrees at lunch along with Salad Bars at the Elementary, Middle and Riverbank High Schools.  Salad Bars include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.  All meals include the choice of low fat white or nonfat chocolate milk.




Next Wellness Policy committee meeting





Click here for information: P-EBT-Reference-Guide





Global -> specialmealaccomodations.jpg

Click here for special meal accommodation information... 


Check out all these great Nutrition and Fitness Focused Links for addition great info!

Notice: The California Revenue and Taxation Code (RTC) Section 19853(b) requires local educational agencies (LEA) that operate the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to annually notify households about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Information Act.

Earned Income Tax Credit Information Act Communication
