May 5th, 2023
Good morning Bruins!
Please stand for the flag salute (pause 5 seconds) Place your right hand over your heart, ready, begin. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, Indivisible with liberty and justice for all.
Summer School applications are available in the career center. Please submit the application to your counselor.
Students attending the Senior Night Disneyland trip….there is a mandatory meeting for students and parents on May 10th at 6pm in the cafeteria.
There will be a cross country team meeting on Wednesday, May 10th at lunch in room 103. All students interested in running cross country next year are welcome and encouraged to attend this meeting.
Congratulations to the Riverbank High School Band for earning straight Excellent ratings at the Music Performance Assessment Festival on Friday afternoon at Hughson High School. The band received the second highest ratings that a band can receive at the festival.
Congratulations to freshmen Giselle Fernandez and Maya Guzman for winning TVL championships at Thursday’s TVL championship meet in Hughson. Giselle won the 800 and finished 2nd in the 1600. Maya won the triple jump and finished 3rd in the long jump. They were the only 2 freshmen from any school to win TVL titles.
The track team’s awards night will be Tuesday night May 16th at 6:30 pm
National Honor Society Seniors: Please pay for your sash and bring your receipt to Ms. Lopez in room 106 to pick up your sash.
Senior please be sure to order your cap and gown ASAP with the link below:
The link will be in your Google Classroom.
If you are a student that is interested in joining/learning about the Riverbank Colorguard, we will be holding open training sessions during Bruin Time on Fridays. Send your bruin time request to Mr. Aguilar if you would like to join the colorguard.
If you sell or give away your prom tickets to another student, the seller and the buyer must report to Ms. Estaque together so that she can update the prom database. You will not be allowed into prom without a ticket and the correct name in the database. Any questions, see Ms. Estaque in room 701
If you turned in a guest pass for Prom, come to the front office at lunch today and pick it up.
Prom Planning Committee Members: Please Check the google classroom for details for Today's decorating workshop.
ASSETS will be offering a few new enrichment opportunities this month!
On Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s, Mr. Thiel will be teaching an improv comedy class. No previous experience required. Learn the basics of improvisation and creating comedy. Be prepared to laugh. Class starts at 3:30 in room 702.
This Friday, ASSETs invites you to join the CINCO DE MAYO Celebration open to all students. There will be a nacho bar, music, games & more! Stop by & bring a friend!
Link Leader applications for the 23-24 school year are available on the school website.
The Senior Sunset will be on May 19, 2023at 6PM at the football field.
All library books are due this week. If you have a library book checked out, you need to return it to the library or the office by Friday.
- Riverbank High School